John Brandon Naples. Not Italy.
Nadia Kalman Ruslan and Ludmila and Osip and Stalina
Ricardo Silva Romero (translated by Joel Streicker) The Husband of Maria Klossner
Jacob M. Appel Ad Valorem
Timothy Cook Red Star
Celeste Ng Trick
Peter Wells A Titled Lady Requires . . .
Averill Curdy To the Mysterie & Company of Merchant Adventurers for the Discoverie of Regions, Dominions, Islands, & Places Unknown | Cold Heart
Silvio D’Arzo (translated by Douglas Basford) Così vinti dal dolore (So overcome with pain)
Eric Van Cleve Shelley Explains the Concept of the Burqa to Keats
G. C. Waldrep The Conquest of Mexico | Para(ballad)
A. E. Stallings Listening to Peter and the Wolf with Jason, aged 3 | The Dress of One Occasion
Ben Debus Swimming Obol River with My Brother, Spooner County, WI
Bruce Bond Tuning Fork
Jeffrey Kahrs Serving Tongs
Hai Zi (translated by Ye Chun) Crossing the Ocean Holding a White Tiger | Four Sisters
John Kinsella Canto of the Theatre of Cruelty | Canto of the Struck | Canto of the Others
Anne Marie Rooney Gospel of Mary | Italian Winter
Reginald Shepherd Being Cold
Peter Cooley The Hurricane Poem
Mark McBride In the Indian River Lagoon
Dan Pinkerton Bullied
Peggy Smith Duke Jet Cars
Barry Benson Aunt Clara’s Correspondence
Richard Kenney Volkerwanderung Again | Lightning Strikes the Protein-Rich Post-Cambrian Tide Pool
Cody Walker Alcatraz, and Back
Mark Terrill A Poem for Those Who Mean Well
Mark McKain Job’s Cookbook
Megan Savage & Tracy Truels Accidental Death #1, Pauline | Accidental Death #2, Katie and Jessica The Sisters
Tomaž Šalamun (translated by Brian Henry and the author) Vrela grla (Boiling Throats)
F. Daniel Rzicznek Greenbottle’s Tattoo
Joseph Campana Ladybug
John Poch A Sail
Corey Marks Loss
Katherine Bode-Lang Threshing
Terese Svoboda Painting Day
Joanne Childers The Hour Angle
David Chandler Anniversary Poem
Barry Spacks Style
Glenn Shaheen The Halifax Explosion
Kathleen Rooney Brazilian Wedding: Dream No. 8
Lisa Bower Bookends
Jay Baron Nicorvo Stone
Ryan Flaherty The Approach | Diurnal
Arthur McMaster Unexpected Telephone Call
Brenda Sieczkowski Sonnet Malhônnete
Christine Poreba Courting, Paynes Prairie
Bruce McRae Conspiracy
Suzanne Zweizig Bicycling from Todtnauberg | Cicada
Catherine Wing Counting Song #5