Maggie Shipstead In the Olympic Village
Emmett Shepard Two Down
Timothy Cook Champagne Suburban
James Magruder Very Lambert Strether
Allegra Goodman Sheba
Paul Willems (translated by Edward Gauvin) Cherepish
Amy Hempel The Doll Tornado
Anis Shivani What Should Be the Function of Criticism Today?
Joanna Pearson The Body as a Condensed History of Commerce
Bruce Bond The Enlightenment
Todd Boss Broke
A. E. Stallings Autumn Pruning
David Huddle Linguistics 101 | Beautiful Aunt
Cai Qijiao (translated by Edward Morin, Fang Dao, and Dennis Ding) A Few Thoughts
Jim Daniels Forgetting the Names of Dinosaurs
Karyna McGlynn I tried to write the truth, but it made me miserable | Ouvrir
Caki Wilkinson Outtakes | Wynona’s Dead Friend Nancy
Hailey Leithauser Veritas Interruptus
Elton Glaser Mad in Manhattan
Rafael Alberti (translated by Carolyn Tipton) Retornos Del Amor En Una Azotea (Love Returns Up on the Roof)
Jill Osier Guadalquivir
Jay Baron Nicorvo Wish for Mortgage, Taste Glue
Vicente Aleixandre (translated by Stephen Kessler) Esperas (You Wait)
Anne Marie Rooney Staging Sonnet | Lake Sonnet
Patrick Ryan Frank Las Manos de Juan Perón