Christopher Merkner Exquisite, Exemplary
Jamie Fisher Peonies
Youmi Park Friends
Amy Scharmann The Marathons
Mary Blume Bettina Bergery: The Archivist of the Ephemeral
Emma Smith-Stevens Extra | Live Through This
Davis McCombs The Widder Mercer | Found Downriver
Diane Mehta Groomed Water Descending in Prisms
Dan O’Brien The War Reporter Paul Watson Rewinds the Film | The War Reporter Paul Watson and the Mountain of Nothing
Christian Prigent (translated by Claire Eder) Palatino | Cappella Sistina
Laura Bylenok Void If
Luke Daly Phloem Poem
David McDannald When Presidents Surf Porn Theorem
Ed Skoog The Red Bird
David Thacker Cravings
Santiago Vizcaino (translated by Alexis Levitin) Consistencia (Accuracy) | El Carbón Del Fuego ( Embers)
Alice Friman Frame It | When Did We First
Jon Loomis Lucky Me | Legoland
Matthew Westbrook Poem In Which Nothing Is Left But Survivor’s Guilt
Brian Barker Cottonmouths | Daddy Longlegs
Alan Michael Parker A Poem for Sally
Susan Comninos After a Time, Time
Judy Brackett What the Great-Grandmother Believes in
Pura López Colomé (translated by Dan Bellm) from Letanía en el Huerto (from Litany in the Garden)
Patrick Whitfill Portrait of the Artist as the Local Punk Band, The Snotty Cocks, at Their First Real Gig
Derick Mattern If These Should Hold Their Peace
Andrew Grace The World Will Not Break My Heart
David Welch Homophonies (XXXV-LI)
Juan Gelman (translated by Lisa Rose Bradfield) from Hoy: CIV (from Today: CIV) | from Hoy: LXXXVIII (from Today: LXXXVIII)
Adam Vines After Balthus’ The Street
Mary Austin Speaker Visitation | The Falling-Down Dance
Rebecca Lilly Closet Play
Lidia Kosk (translated by Danuta Kosk-Kosicka) W Ciemnych Grzywach Koni (In the Horses’ Dark Manes)
Moshe Dor (translated by Barbara Goldberg and Moshe Dor) The Nun Called Cyclamen | Stone
Hilary Jacqmin The Trial
Sidney Wade, Samantha Grenrock, Paulette Guerin, Kristen Herrera, Gentris Jointe, Erin Jones, Ashley Keyser, Brian Malatesta, Elaina Mercatoris, Sarah Grigg Rolph, Walter Smelt, Tara Tatum, Ashley Tisdale 13 Ways of Looking at Weng Wei