Tyler Barton Breakthrough Mailboxes of Southern Pennsylvania
Emily Flouton The Three Vaporizing Babes
Alex Pickett Ankle Grabber
George Singleton Cock Rescue
Josh Russell Grownups
Sarah Edwards Dead Dog
Justin Taylor Ash Street
Ed Lawrence Ernest’s Day at the Beach
Nicholas Pierce How Do You Wear Your Nakedness?
George David Clark Black Light | The First Supper
Anastasia Strokina (translated by Jaimie Holmes and Christian Teresi) БОТИНКИ (Little Boots) | ВОСЕМЬ МИНУТ (Eight Minutes) |КРАСНОЕ СЕЛО (Krasnoye Selo)
Jeff Ewing Tveitt in Absentia
Sylvie Baumgartel The Washing | Cum Clave
Noah Warren Hermit Thrush
Kirstin Allio Swan Point XX.
Rachel Mannheimer Egyptian Wing | Pére Lachaise
Mira Rosenthal Sublet, Pay-Later System
Richard O’Brien Closed Doors
Emile Hugon Jo. Bouillon | Anny Ondra | Milton | Casino Wagram | Georgius | Germaine LIX