
Subtropics seeks to publish the best literary fiction, essays, and poetry being written today, both by established and emerging authors. We will consider works of fiction of any length, from short shorts to novellas, as well as self-contained novel excerpts. We give the same latitude to essays. We appreciate work in translation and, from time to time, republish important and compelling stories, essays, and poems that have lapsed out of print.


P.O. Box 112075
4008 Turlington Hall
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-2075

Subtropics is distributed by Johns Hopkins University Press Fulfillment Services. For subscription and back issue order queries, please contact JHUP or call 1-800-548-1784.

Or contact Lauren Phillips
Journals Manager
University of Florida Press
2046 NE Waldo Road
Suite 2100
Gainesville, FL 32609

Publication & Staff

Subtropics (ISSN 1559-0704; EISSN 2471-4526) is co-published twice per year by the University of Florida Press and the Department of English, University of Florida.

Editor | David Leavitt
Managing editor | Mark Mitchell
Poetry editor | Ange Mlinko
Copy editor | Elizabeth Brogden
Proofreader | Carlynn Crosby
Assistant editors | Albertine Clarke, Chloe Cook, Yolanda Kwadey, Taylor Light
Designer | Connie Hwang
Office manager | Melissa Davis
Assistant manager | Lynn Harris


For their generous support of Subtropics, we wish to thank Research and Graduate Programs, University of Florida College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, Sidney Dobrin, Joseph Glover, David Pharies, Lauren Phillips, and David Richardson.

Subtropics is a non-profit publication. If you would like to support our magazine, please contact us or donate through the University of Florida Foundation.

Subtropics is a member of the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses.

Selections & Honors

Selections from Subtropics have been anthologized in:

Best American Essays 2023
Best American Short Stories 2020
O. Henry Prize Stories 2015
O. Henry Prize Stories 2014
Best American Short Stories 2014
Best American Nonrequired Reading 2013
Pushcart Prize XXXVII: Best of the Small Presses
PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2012
New Stories from the Midwest 2010
New Stories from the South 2010
PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2010
Best American Poetry 2008
Best American Poetry 2007
O. Henry Prize Stories 2007
Best American Poetry 2006
Best American Short Stories 2006

In addition, some of our authors have received the following honors:

American Academy of Arts & Sciences Fellowship
Emily Dickinson First Book Award
Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction
Inaugural National Poet of Wales
Iowa Short Fiction Award
James Laughlin Award of the Academy of American Poets
James Tate Black Memorial Prize
John Dryden Translation Prize
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship
Légion d’honneur
National Book Award
National Book Critics Circle Award
National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship
Nobel Prize in Literature
Olive B. O’Connor Fellowship
Philip Levine Prize for Poetry
Plimpton Prize for Fiction
Poet Laureateship of Florida
Poet Laureateship of New York
Poet Laureateship of the United States
Poet Laureateship of Wisconsin
Premio Cervantes
Pulitzer Prize for Poetry
Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry (Presented by Queen Elizabeth II)
Rome Prize in Literature of the American Academy in Rome
T. S. Eliot Prize
Wallace Stegner Fellowship