Roy Kesey A Good Year for Trees
Deya Bhattacharya Road Trip
Mary Jones The Hexter Girls
Bipin Aurora V. V. Kumar
Afsheen Farhadi I You Love
Ervin Lázár (Translated by Andrea Nemeth-Newhauser) The World of Benny Bean; Benny Bean is Waiting for Georgie; Brandywine’s Airplane; Benny Bean, The Native
Jennifer Tseng The Companion, A Story About Memory
Gabriel Louis Ephraim
Nicholas Pierce From Crude, El Segundo
Jamie McKendrick Anti-Social Media Shorts, Various Vices
Kirstin Allio Cassandra
Camille Ralphs After John Baillie, Kyrie Eleison, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Colin Bailes Odysseus in Cassadega, The Garden, Odysseus in St. Augustine, Dereliction
David Koehn Firefly Nectar for Rebecca, Working Backwards
Peter Kline Cicada
Jamie McKendrick Saba the Poet
Jackie Sabbagh Tom, The Bathers, Tim, Henry